Wednesday 17 February 2010

Yogurt Experiment

Recipe Type: Side Dish, or Dessert
Vegetarian Classification: Vegetarian

First of all, I'd like to demonstrate that this is the result of us not cooking food ourselves one night: frozen pizza, sadly burnt.

I did a little food experiment with yogurt and passionfruits. I had some vanilla yogurt. Please excuse the fact that this is some fruity organic brand, it just happened to be the cheapest at the store.

Passionfruit is a strange, strange fruit. It's in season right now and you can get 3 for 1GBP. You cut them open and and eat the pulp and seeds. They are super sour and tart, but delicious with something smooth and creamy like yogurt. Here we go.

Yogurt in bowl. Portion control

Cut that weird, dry, wrinkly fruit in half.

Scoop out the pulp and seeds.

Here we have the pulp of one passionfruit.

Give it a swirl to make it pretty.

It tasted really good, but the seeds are very hard and crunchy and my teeth can't take it. Next time I made this, I put it through a sieve to get the pulp and juice out and chucked the seeds. Pretty darn tasty, fast and easy.

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