Wednesday, 28 April 2010


Normally I wouldn't make these silver dollar pancakes, I would make regular sized ones, put them in a stack, pour maple syrup over the top and cut straight down, eating the whole stack like this. There is a famous internet clip of the comedien Jim Gaffegin talking about the fact that when you eat pancakes, you're pretty much declaring it's a no-shower, staying-in-your-pajamas day. I decided to start making these silver dollar pancakes because I like all things miniature and cute. And also because I find when I make them small I eat less overall and therefore avoid that ball-of-cement-in-the-stomach feeling. I also think it's essential when eating sweet carby pancakes to have alongside something salty and meaty. The combination is perfect. It simply must be done, if you're not vegetarian.
The recipe itself is easy and I'm going to include it here from memory!

1 cup flour
1 cup milk
1 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 large egg
lemon juice
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
Okay, this part is weird. The first thing you do is squirt some lemon juice into a measuring jug. Even just a tablespoon will do. This is to sour the milk. If you have buttermilk use that, but I never have it around. Sour milk works well too. Squirt the lemon juice into the measuring jug and fill up to the volume of 1 cup. Leave there for about 5 minutes.
Now mix up the dry ingredients: flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder and salt.
Crack the egg right into the milk and mix up thoroughly. Add the oil and mix in well.
Now add the liquid ingredients to the dry and mix gently. There will be some lumps.
Heat the pan and dollop the batter out one tablespoon at a time.
If the pan is hot enough, the pancakes will be ready to flip really quickly.
Stack them on a plate and cover lightly with a piece of foil to keep them warm.
Once all the pancakes are done, I do the breakfast meat in the same pan. This day I had bacon. Otherwise I'd have some sausage. Cook until crisp and brown.
I like the arrange the silver dollar pancakes on a plate like this, for maximum maple syrup absorption.
Add the bacon. The meat juices mix with the maple syrup and make everything sweet and salty. The perfect combination.
Yummy yummy yummy in my tummy!

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