Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Easy Vegetarian Spaghetti with Garlic Bread

This is a very satisfying meal for me, makes me think of home. And for some reason it is the one dinner with which I have to have a tall glass of cold skim milk. Normally I don't drink plain milk.
This is an easy vegetarian spaghetti sauce, so here are the easy ingredients. Adjust to your tastes

bell peppers
zucchini (here in the UK they're called courgettes, don't ask me why)
tomato sauce
pasta of some sort--spaghetti here--it is, after all, a spaghetti sauce
dried chili pepper flakes
fresh basil

Start by chopping all the veg. Throw them in a pot with some olive oil. Start with the onions and zucchini to soften them first. Once they're half-way cooked, throw in some garlic along with the dried chili pepper flakes, salt and pepper.
Once they're about halfway cooked, throw in the peppers and cook for only a few minutes so that they keep crisp.
Pour in the tomato sauce and stir it up. Then cover with the lid slightly ajar and simmer until everything else is ready.
Get the water boiling and put the pasta on.
Now make the garlic bread using the above ingredients.

1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp roast garlic puree
fresh basil or any other herb

Mix the butter and garlic up together.
Add the herbs and salt.
Mix it all up and prepare to smooth on to bread.
I'm using plain old sandwich bread.
I toast the bread on the first side under the broiler (called a grill here, in Her Majesty's realms). Spread the butter on the other side of the toast.
Put the garlic bread, butter side up under the broiler until it's not brown but sort of toasted. This is so as not to burn the garlic.
The sauce should be a bit thickened.
At this point I like to throw in a bit of fresh basil.
Plate it up! Some people like parmesan over the top. I don't. That's just me.

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